Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Way of Kei Cars

The Japanese are known for their ingenious engineering. The way they can create space out of nowhere is what makes them special to me. Especially in cars. For us mortals in big cities, with narrow streets, space is the biggest concern. And when I see a tiny Toyota and think, 'Hey, I don't think a lemon could fit in that', I step in and see there's do much more space than that. That's the best thing about it: Japanese engineers have this unbelievable skill of compacting things so well. My classmates can learn something from that - take all the books you want home but don't lug around a potato sack of a bag; there are better ways of doing it. In this article I will talk about why I think we have so much to learn from the Japanese, and especially about the kei car.

A kei car is a Japanese concept car, and is the smallest passenger car allowed to ride the streets. 'Keijidosha' literally means light automobile. The first kei car was born just after WWII, when people couldn't afford to buy a full fledged car, maybe just two-wheelers (we all can guess why). So to prevent the Japanese car industry collapsing, engineers created a cheaper, smaller, and practical version of a car. For a few years to come, kei cars were only seen on the streets of Japan. But gradually kei cars became a cool thing to have in the west. I personally think it's a great idea and I just love the cute Suzuki Cappuccino. Look it up and you might just fall in love too. It's super cheap, super compact, easy to maintain, don't eat up too much fuel, great for rookie drivers and perfect for getting around the city. They can be fun to drive since they are so versatile and maneuverable.

I believe that small cars are much better than the bigger models in many ways. We have an Alto K10, not too far from a kei truck (which is pretty small too). Not only is our beloved car great in the city, zooming past narrow roads, and easy to maneuver , but has also taken us on innumerable trips to every part of India without ever failing on us. Not even one puncture. She will now turn a proud twelve years old, just a month or two younger than me. I would never expect a bigger SUV type car to serve us so well. Big, bulky cars are not efficient in cities, while on the other hand, smaller cars or kei cars are practicality itself. They're compact, and save space, fitting in ways we would never expect. Don't listen to anyone who says small cars can't accommodate anymore than you.

Ok. Now we know a lot about kei cars. So what can we learn from them? Why are they so special? India has now been named the most populous country in the world. Moreover, the current population density of India is now a crowded 435 people per square kilometer. How are we supposed to fit all of us in, when our population numbers have nowhere to go but up? That's right. By compacting our houses, cars, and spaces.

Consumerism has increased to such a rate that all people want are bigger homes and bigger cars and bigger everything. That is why sometimes we are blinded to the fact that sometimes smaller is the best option. If India will keep all her children on land, then we have to learn how to save and protect spaces. The answer is not to shave forests off the earth and give up more land to be mined or wasted. I trust that we can manage our space and land, and eventually all our people. But as individuals, all that we need to do is be resourceful. It is practically why humans are barely classified as animals. It's part of human nature, and if that's why we're even on this planet, why not use it for something other than ourselves?

In this article, I started off by talking about kei cars and their benefits. To end this article, I say why don't we do a little more for mankind and nature. It won't be a big contribution, probably won't make much of a difference at all. But all you have to do is consider for a moment if your actions could do better for our earth. And the best part of it is that you'll get a sense of satisfaction in the end. It's a fact, trust me. 

Hoped you enjoyed reading!

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