Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Can schools do better?

Education is a fundamental right and schools are an integral part of the system. I am a high school student and take part in the dreaded rat race along with my fellow students. So while we go through the grind and trust the system with our future, are schools in tune with the changes happening around us?

As a student, I feel that schools force us to focus on exam results, instead of spending time on getting to understand the topics better. I am forced to memorize facts and numbers without always understanding what they mean. I am asked to follow certain steps to solve math problems, even if I come up with a different method which is original. I have my own way of thinking and like to express my opinion and ask questions. However, I get the feeling that there is a pattern to follow, and I cannot question the system. I respect my teachers and admire them, however, I worry that asking too many questions may be frowned upon. 

Moreover, I want more opportunities to learn by doing things instead of memorizing paragraphs and chapters. Why can't we experiment and explore? Why are we always racing against time to finish things? So that we keep writing questions forever?

The schooling, pressure from parents and the nagging self-doubt are stark realities of every school student today. It not only wastes future potential, but makes it difficult for us to follow our dreams. Why can't we change the way we look at learning and try to discover what a child can do, instead of forcing her to be a carbon copy of the perfect student

Published in the Times of India, Reader's corner, Hyderabad edition on 15.03.2023

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