Thursday, April 20, 2023

Picky eater? Who, me?!

I am a fussy eater; something which my family complains about every second meal! For example, I will eat meat (which is pretty much poultry for me) only if it has been skewed and grilled. No oily, messy gravy for me thank you! I can't stand the sight of meat on bones floating around in a deep brown oily mess. My father, on the other hand, will eat anything that moves and breathes. I sometimes marvel that he is patient enough to not chomp his meat down raw. So you cannot blame him for his impatience with me.

My mother is a champion cook. So you can imagine her exasperation with me. But this is nothing, for I am at my worst when travelling. My family and I had driven to Sikkim one cold November when I was all of eight years old. Anybody who has travelled to the Himalayas would know how delightful every hot steaming meal tastes with the snow clad mountains as the backdrop. But I had not received the memo, so I decided to pass up most of the local cuisine (either meat or veggies cooked local style which I did not like the look of) I had dropped a good few kilos before the trip was done and even managed to fall sick out of exhaustion. Beat that!

Now many of you would imagine me to be a snob. I beg to differ. I agree that I have given you enough reasons so far to harbor that opinion, however, try to look at it this way: at least I know what I want to eat, right?! More importantly, I know what does not suit me, like a dish of curried fish head (uggh!!) Think about it, it's really easy to wear any outfit. But it takes class and taste to know what you look good in, right?

My parents give me a hard time for being picky about what I eat, but there are those who are luckier, like Dan Janssen. This lanky 38 year old lives only on pizza! Pizza for breakfast, pizza for lunch and for dinner, its pizza again! I am not sure that ol' Dan had managed this if his parents gave him a hard time about this. Maybe they saw potential, that Dan would go on to revolutionize the world of pizza. Maybe a Michelin star chef with his own range of signature dishes. It may not have turned out that way but hey, the chap seems happy. At least he is living out his dream, which is to eat pizza all day long!

Biryanis come in a million different variants, but I know the one I want to stick to (it's the chicken tikka one in case you are wondering) We live in a world of endless options and that makes it hard to choose. So most people go ahead and eat or wear anything and everything. But the trick is to being choosy about what you want. While many see people like us as snobs, I like to think that we are the discerning ones. That's it! Now I know what to say to my dad the next time he is grumbling at me as I pick through my dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Is that a fish curry on the plate? It looks yummy. Care to share a little with me.


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